Payment Information
We accept Visa, MasterCard, Venmo, checks or cash. There will be a $25 late fee added for any payment that has not been made before the session begins. There is a $25 service charge for each returned check. The check amount, as well as the service charge, must be paid in cash.
Class Information
Payment must accompany sign-up.
Please be on time for your class.
We ask that only the enrolled children be on the equipment during class.
Strollers are not permitted in the gym area.
It is the parent’s responsibility to update the office records with current phone numbers, emergency contact information, and new addresses.
Students should arrive at the gym 5 minutes before class begins. Do not drop your child off earlier than 10 minutes before class.
Make-up Policy
There are only 1 personal make-up per month.
You must submit your request via email in order to schedule a make-up. A child may make up a class in a class of a similar type so long as there is space or the child may make up a class by receiving a pass to open gym whichever is available.
Make-ups will not carry over from session to session.
The membership fee is non-refundable.
No money will be refunded after the 2nd week of classes. Unless due to an injury or long term illness, and then you must provide a doctor’s note. Tuition will be deducted for the missed classes and $25 service fee will be applied to every refund issued, a refund will be issued the following way: check for cash or check payments, card refund for credit/debit card payments, NO CASH refunds. The customer has to request a refund via email and then has to fill the form that he/she will receive and hand/mail/e-mail it back in order to receive the refund.
Drop off and Pick Up Policy
We ask that children wait for rides inside the facility. If parents are running late, please call the office so that your child can be brought to the office to wait.
Siblings are not to be left on the premises unattended, nor are they allowed to use the
gym equipment.
Gym Safety Rules
No gymnastics are to be done in the waiting area or lobby.
Please do not speak from the waiting area to your child – it is dangerous for the children.
Students should wait in the front lobby area until instructors call classes out into the gym.
Children are never allowed in the gym without the supervision of instructors.
If parents are staying to view their child’s class, please watch from the designated viewing area.
No running through the gym.
Help Our Gym Stay Clean
If you have a spill please notify the office immediately so it can be cleaned up.
If the bathrooms are in need of attention, please notify the management.
No candy or gum is allowed in the gym area.
No shoes are allowed in the gym area.
Lost Items
We are unable to guarantee the safety of all our students’ personal possessions. We will not be held responsible for lost or stolen items from your child’s cubby. Please do not send your children to class with money, electronics, valuable jewelry, or any other treasured item.
In Case of Inclement Weather
In the case of bad weather, please call (609) 599-2951, check our Facebook page and Instagram page, or check our website www.astrogymnastics.com for updated information. You can also sign up on our Facebook page/Instagram for the latest information regarding closures and other events. If we do cancel classes, we will provide a scheduled make-up class. Please call an hour before your class if the weather has recently turned bad.